Why This Approach?

You'd think I'd be starting a church or something. Maybe become a self-help or New Age spiritual leader.

But instead. I'm pitching other people's stuff.

Yes, that's the kicker: Why reinvent perfectly good wheels?

First, another religion wouldn't be appropriate. There's already all these various different approaches to this material. All these slants and dogma's and so on. Very compartmentalized and so much that, "Well, if you keep following this route and support us financially and so on - well, you'll keep feeling better. Plus, we both get rich."

Nope. Not a'gonna happen.

Second, you probably don't need more guru's and hero-figures in your life. My recommendation would be to look to yourself as the hero of your own life-story. People who tell you fantastic stories of miraculous possibilities are also giving you every reason to reject what they are saying. Your own life is already full of miracles - just look for them. (Can you explain your own birth - or how you keep breathing from moment to moment?)

This training route is full of very usual, normal people who simply have a different take on life. They've mostly studied hundreds or thousands of others' lives or personal stories and done their own independent research. These are the giants whose shoulders we stand on to see further. But they could have been you or I - the more normal and average their start, the better we can accept and learn from them.

How this got started
This whole scene was kicked off with my taking everything right back to nuts and bolts. I knew that Nature itself ran perfectly fine, with or without humankind being around. And there were exceptions to the rule, but generally you had enough air, water, and fuel to go around to keep the vast majority of local eco-systems running right along.

Humankind was the oddity, the exception. It wasn't that we were constantly screwing over Nature and wrecking it (although we've created our fair share of ecological disasters which Nature has to clean up). The point was rather that we simply were radically different than anything around us.

I bowed out of a corporate cult's belief-system that called itself a church, after spending over 20 years trying to reconcile their teachings. That decision came when I finally saw that I wasn't going to have the freedom of thought and examination to really prove or disprove its workability, so I retired to a self-imposed hermit's life where I eked out a living while tearing all I had learned down to extreme basic workings.

This required I take a step back to find out how people think and how we do analysis to make sure my thinking was logical and would get results.

Then I came forward to determine if the entire body of work called self-help was actual or if it was a scam. Taking the top bestseller books in this genre, and studying only dead authors (to ensure any personal charisma influence was negated) I found that there was a basic underlying system at work. This generally runs through Napoloeon Hill, with later students and earlier sources.

Those sources go back through our earliest religious texts right back to the oral tradition of Huna, which was found to have couched its basic philosophy in it's language in order to preserve it all these years.

So I never needed to re-write all these self help books, though I did write up my own research route and conclusions (the "Go Thunk Yourself" Series.)

That research continued as something was still missing. It went through the Silva Method and ended with Levenson Release Technique. And was written up in various essays on one of my blogs, published in a book, "Freedom Is - (period.)"

That material, followed, takes you right up and through what has passed for enlightenment in ages past. Perfect, unending, indescribable, personal peace.

But I was still here, and so were those I'd worked with and who achieved similar outcomes.

The question had to be answered: Why?

Answer: "You are here for some purpose which isn't yet complete. Your own spiritual training is lacking."

With nothing further than that bombshell, I started off again.

Why Four Levels?
Huna (in particular, Serge Kahili King) came again to the rescue. Through this author, I learned how shamans approached this problem. The four levels of reality, of living itself.

This then lead me back to my earlier studies instead of new ones. The programs I had studied on that simple first level of sorting out the "real world" now started giving me different answers.

Jose' Silva, just before his passing, had made a breakthrough into the psychic realm. He made it possible for anyone to develop their own intuition, bringing this into an always-on ability with practice. John La Tourette dropped some very subtle hints during his version of that "Silva Ultramind", which gave completely new understanding to ancient Eastern concepts. Laura Silva (daughter of Jose') has updated her father's material with new marketing approaches, into Silva Intuition System and Silva Peaks - both based on Jose's last breakthroughs.

That gives you the second level the Huna shamans told of.

The third level deals with life as a dream world, one of symbols. And to this, I revived my old texts of Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" and Chris Vogler's "Writer's Journey". Because Campbell (especially through that PBS series "The Power of Myth", tells the fascinating story-line which has rang through all the annals of time. Someone who spent his life just cross-comparing and cross-indexing myths to come up with a single timeline which runs through all blockbuster movies, and all legends and oft-retold stories through the entirety of recorded history.

Something that pervasive then gives us massive hints and clues to the meaning we can make of our own dream-worlds as we create them.  One need seek no further for this level, until one has fully and completely digested these works.

The fourth level, holistic, is just that single and vast, but tiny step away from resolution with Self.

It is simpler to perform, yet far more difficult to put into action. It contains just one command: "Just Be." At this, you start realizing that you really need to be everything and everyone - all the creations around you. And typically, the mystic explanations of what you are being, doing, and having at this level will drive almost every devout religious follower nuts as they decry you as the worst possible heretic and vilify you with their worst curses and pronouncements. Not that it matters to you much. Because you completely understand where they are coming from and actually agree with them. This is the mask they are asking you to wear. But you alone know it is a mask. You are them, but they are not being you. And it is their loss.

Your steps, your progress
In this series of posts on this blog (which are currently found no where else, at least with this simplicity) I lay out the entire series of steps where you can just take yourself from having a miserable life with no future in a cubicle or factory or other wage-slave job - and haul yourself up to just short of being a saint or real-life guru.

But it's not my job to do anything else except lay out the path that I found.

Because, you see that as we are each individuals, every person's path has to be tailor-made for their own walking. And only that person - you - can build the path you must walk.
And I know half a dozen more useful studies and programs, but the ones above will actually lead you right on out - at least to the second level, if not to the third and fourth.

Only you, for better or worse, can decide which steps, what programs, and what sequence to do them in. (Or re-do them, for even greater understanding.)

Back to raising cows and writing cartoons
Since I do not relish the idea of being pilloried, or martyred or held up to scorn, I'm bowing out of this scene. My cows need more attention, as well as the pastures they live from. My cartoon inspirations have been long ignored, replaced in my attentions by all these research ideas and concepts.  And meanwhile, I am continuing to make my living with web design and have found a unique marketing concept which should be viable for a few years until the Internet evolves beyond them.

So I have many more irons in the fire, or pots simmering on back-burners, than I have time or Ego to create some new version built on the tall shoulders of the giants who walked before me.  I'm all too happy for others to take all this and run with it. I've written enough books, edited enough video's, essayed enough blog posts.

It's now over to you.

Good Hunting!

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